Social Services Assists Patients During the Holiday Season

At Clearview Cancer Institute, every oncologist has a dedicated social worker focused on educating, advocating for and connecting patients to resources in the clinic and throughout the community. They can also help address financial challenges such as high prescription copay costs, transportation needs, and applying for disabilities, all of which can be more difficult during the holiday months.

“During the holiday season a cancer diagnosis can be especially tough for patients and their caregivers,” CCI’s social services director Brittney Dial said. “We as social workers can offer support and help address the unique financial challenge that arise during this season.”

Brittney said her favorite part of being a social worker is the relationships formed with both patients and their caregivers. “One of my favorite things about being a social worker is the chance to get to know our patients, to really make a difference in their lives, and to invest in those relationships while they are here throughout treatment.”

Our social work services are complementary for our patients. You may request a social worker by asking the physician, nurse, scheduler, or front desk.

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